Claim Essentials for Members
Workers' Compensation Trust
47 Barnes Industrial Park Rd.
Wallingford, CT 06492
Members: FREE
Self-Insured Clients: $50 per person
Member Registration › Self-Insured Registration ›
This claims bootcamp class is a must for anyone who is responsible for reporting claims and communicating with Trust staff to process injured worker information in a timely and effective manner. Attendees will learn how to effectively report claims along with time-sensitive information that must be conveyed to the Trust to ensure the claims are handled effectively and that your organization’s rights are protected. In addition, you will learn how the Trust manages workers’ compensation claims for better outcomes and the critical role a member’s internal claim contact plays in the process. Attendees will also learn the value of utilizing a comprehensive managed care network and resources the Trust has available to assist with transitional duty/return to work.
Brian S. Downs, AIC, WCP; Vice President, Quality & Provider Relations, Workers’ Compensation Trust
Robb Wright, Return to Work Specialist, Workers’ Compensation Trust
and Trust Claims Managers
2 CEUs from LeadingAge CT
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