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OSHA NEWS: How DART Rate Affects your Organization

What can prompt an OSHA inspection? A high DART Rate could put your organization on OSHA’s radar. It can be used to target facilities with higher than average rates. The DART rate represents Days Away, Restrictions and Transfers. It is computed from the OSHA 300 log; the number of cases with lost time, restricted duty or job transfer multiplied by 200,000 divided by the total number of employee hours worked for the calendar year. This provides OSHA with the number of injuries and illnesses per 100 full-time employees.

If you do not know what your DART Rate is, there is still time. For several years, the Workers’ Compensation Trust has provided information to our members to enable you to compare your frequency and severity rates of employee injuries and illnesses to other like organizations in the state and to participating members of the Trust. The information is confidential. If you have not yet participated in the survey, contact [email protected].