The Intelligent Insurance Solution

OSHA 300A Form Posting Reminder

It’s that time of year when all “covered” employers need to post the OSHA Summary 300A for each establishment (location) for which an OSHA 300 log is maintained. 

To summarize:

The data that needs to be posted is from calendar year January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 and is transferred from the OSHA 300 log to the OSHA Summary form 300A.   

The 300A must be posted for the particular establishment (location) whether or not there were recordable injuries

Each 300A must be signed by the highest person in the organization or the highest person at the establishment (location)

The 300A must be posted from February 1st to April 30th and be taken down on May 1st

Public sector employers must post the 300A Summary for all establishments (locations) regardless of the number of employees.

For more information please click here

If you have any questions, please contact Carol Fronczek at 203-678-0161 or email [email protected].