The Intelligent Insurance Solution

The "U" in the Center of the Trust!

We typically try not to use Internet slang or text messaging shortcuts to get our messages out, but we are making an exception in this case.  The widely accepted "u" in a text message, is used to replace the 3 letter word "you".  We think the Trust was actually in the forefront of the texting craze when we had the foresight to update our logo in 2005 which highlighted the letter "u" in the word "Trust". 

This was intentional, because as a Trust member, "u" are critical and central to all that we do. All of the services we offer, the programs we develop, the procedures we enact and the decisions we make are all done with "u", the  member in mind. The innovative loss control, managed care and  claims management services that we provide to "u" are in your best interest.  In addition, as an employer mutual organization, the  profits are all for "u", too.

Working together we form a strong, effective partnership that ensures a consistent, competitively priced, workers’ compensation product.  We are here to serve "u", to learn from "u", share with "u", grow with "u" and applaud "u" as you continue your mission of service to others.